Tyler Hill Is Amazing!
How do we know?
We know because our sports record tells us so!!! The 2014 results are in from the Wayne County Championships. The facts speak for themselves…
Fact #1- Six Championships
7 Grade Boys Roller Hockey
10/11 Grade Girls Softball
8/9 Grade Boys Lacrosse
10/11 Grade Girls Basketball
6 Grade Girls Softball
7 Grade Boys Soccer
Fact #2- Six Finalists
8 Grade Girls Team Tennis
8 Grade Boys Soccer
9 Grade Boys Soccer
6 Grade Girls Soccer
6 Grade and Younger Boys Softball
10/11 Grade Boys Basketball
Congratulations to all the campers who participated in our sports’ program. A special thank you to all of our athletic specialists who dedicated their summer to making the THC Athletic Program so outstanding.
Bill Lalin – Athletic Director