Staff FAQs

All staff members MUST complete and send in a Health Form and undergo a physical exam prior to camp. No staff members are permitted on camp without this. Staff members are entitled to use the services of the camp’s Health Center at no charge while at camp. If you find yourself in need of prescription medications, we will be happy to front you the money and deduct it from your end of year salary. The camp maintains a full-time health services staff including a licensed physician and nine registered nurses.
Counselors sit with their campers and are expected to supervise while in the Dining Hall. We serve our food family style and have a salad bar, sandwich bar and pasta bar with a wide variety of choices. Considerations are made for those on vegetarian and other diets – though we do ask that you notify us prior to arriving at camp of any special food requirements.
We provide towels, sheets, pillows and blankets at no charge. You may certainly bring your own if you prefer.
American staff members are covered under the New York Workman’s Compensation Law for injuries sustained while on the job or in the performance of one’s duties. Any activity not sanctioned by the camp, which causes injury, will be at the expense of the employee. Staff members should carry their own comprehensive accident and health insurance for any non-work related injuries or illnesses. International staff are covered by private insurance provided by the sponsoring agency.
Tyler Hill Camp
1017 Cochecton Turnpike
Tyler Hill, PA 18469
We employ about 220 in-bunk counselors and specialists and about 50 support staff. In addition, we have approximately 40 adults in camp. The camp population (and staff population) is evenly divided between males and females. Counselor staff age range from our 17 year-old Junior Counselors to the bulk of our counselors who are between 20 and 24 years old.
Tyler Hill attracts staff from all over the world. Most of our counselors come from all across the United States and the world, including Canada, Great Britain, Spain, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Poland.
We have computers available for staff to use on their time off. You will have lockers in which to keep your phones/ipads/computers, but will not have access to WIFI while on camp.
Staff orientation takes place during the eight days prior to camp and every counselor is required to be there from start to finish. Orientation is very structured and includes fun get-to-know-you activities, games, team building and lots of training. Most important, you’ll meet and get to know all of the other counselors and staff members that will become like your summer family. Additionally, you’ll learn your way around camp, you’ll become very familiar with our Tyler Hill daily program and you’ll learn the most important “skills” of being a counselor. We’ll bring in team-building specialists, child psychologists and loads of years of experience to help you get ready for your summer at Tyler Hill. Bring your energy and your smiling face and we’ll do the rest to make sure the week is informative and a blast!!
As a counselor, you will be given six blue and white Tyler Hill Camp staff shirts at the beginning of the summer and you will wear one every day. You can wear your staff shirts with shorts, sweats, leggings or sweatpants, depending on the day and the weather! While swimming and at the waterfront, female staff are permitted to wear only one-piece bathing suits or “tankinis”.