Making the Holidays a Little Bit Brighter!
The holidays can be extremely challenging for some families. Either due to the most recent events of Hurricane Sandy, limited resources, economic times, and other stressful situations, this time of year sometimes makes it difficult for some families to celebrate. That’s why The TLC Family of Camps holds an annual Adopt-A-Family and Toy Drive during the holiday season.
Along with our sister camps and day school, Tyler Hill collected basic items such as winter clothes, hats, gloves, toys and toiletries. We had piles of these needed gifts juat waiting to be delivered to some very deserving families. Once these gifts were boxed, wrapped and labeled, they were packed into our own “sleigh” of sorts to get to their destination!
The holidays can have different meanings to different people. The joy and beauty of giving and the happiness that comes from giving without expecting anything in return, makes our annual Toy Drive and Adopt-a-Family such a success. The TLC Family of Camps make it possible for those of us who can, to make the holidays a little bit brighter for some of the families in our community.
From our family to yours, wishing you a very happy, merry and healthy holiday season!