Visiting Day 2012!

Our campers barely slept the night before the big day due to all the excitement over one of the most anticipated days of the summer: Visiting Day!

After four weeks of not seeing their child – parents, friends, siblings and other loved ones all gathered at the gate (some as early as sunrise!) of THC. Campers lined up on the porches of their bunks and parents lined up at the entrance, all just waiting for the clock to read 10am. In the final minutes, some campers even started a countdown not unlike the ones we all do on New Year’s Eve.

Finally, the time came. Families shot down the hill carrying bags and baskets of clothes and gifts, but most importantly carrying love for our campers whom they had not seen in a whole month. The reunions were heartwarming.

Campers introduced their families to their counselors, showed them around campus, and even participated in some of the activities, waterskiing among the most popular!  The day featured performances by our dance teams, a hula hoop and juggling show, and a buffet style lunch!

Visiting Day was a huge success. Thank you to everyone who came to visit us! We hope you enjoyed yourselves as much as we did!

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