Where Are They Now? Mark Reiss
I started out at THC as a camper in 1980 after spending a few years at a different camp. It was a difficult transition at first because so many of the campers in my bunk had been together for a few years by the time I got there. However, it didn’t take very long to realize that Tyler Hill was indeed the place for me!
The grounds were first rate and the people were warm and welcoming. After spending a couple of years as a camper (where I was given my nickname Mookie – after Mookie Wilson from the Mets – that my camp friends still call me to this day!), I went on to become a waiter for the youngest girls’ group. Then, I spent 3 great summers as a counselor. During my time as a counselor I was a Color War General twice, for Blue Celebration and Blue Terrific 30s. We won Color War both times and it was probably some of my best times at camp!
I currently live in Jericho, New York with my wife Wendy and our son Noah and our daughter Samantha. I am a labor and employment attorney with an office on Long Island. Noah will be starting his 4th summer at THC this June, and Samantha will be starting her 2nd there. When we were looking at camps, we took a trip to THC and both kids participated in Rookie Day. They absolutely LOVED it and told us on the ride home that this was where they wanted to go to camp. We could not have been happier. I guess you could call us one of Tyler Hill’s many multi-generational camper families. Something that we are proud to be!
1 comment
THC has a very special place in my heart. I started there as a camper in 1965, and spent my last summer there as a counselor in 1971. What a wonderful time it was, truly “the golden years”. Sy Sundick, Bill Heft, Uncle Milty, Artie Sunshine, Herman Pingle. I had experiences in camp that I cherish, and have not had since. Playing softball, basketball, swim meets, camp musicals. So many memories. Not a summer goes by that I don’t think about THC, in early July (“campers should be arriving about now”) and early August (colorwar!), and toward the end of August (“campers are going home about now”). I remember my summers at THC as if it were yesterday.