Meet The Greene Family!
We recently caught up with one of our amazing families, the Greene’s, who have four kids at Tyler Hill! The Greene’s live in Franklin Lakes, New Jersey and their kids, Sophie, Lucy, Cooper and Charlie, have been attending camp since 2007. Here’s what they had to say…
Meet Sophie:
I’m in 11th grade at Ramapo High School, and I work at a clothing store called Maluka. I love traveling and going on family vacations to the Caribbean! My friends call me a lot of different names – Soph, Sophie T, T and Ophie!
Originally I was not into the idea of sleep away camp, but I visited Tyler Hill and immediately knew I made the right choice! I was a camper for seven summers and this summer will be my first as a counselor! I love all of the activities that camp has to offer! Camp has allowed me to try things that I would have never imagined myself doing.
The thing I love most about camp is rainy days when I get to sit in the bunk with my friends and just talk, laugh and have random dance parties! Camp has changed my life in so many ways I didn’t think possible. I have made unbreakable bonds with my friends and counselors I know will last forever. I can honestly say that not a day goes by when I don’t talk to my camp friends, and the amazing thing is that we never run out of things to say. I hope one day I have the same relationships with my campers as I had with my counselors!
Meet Lucy:
I am in 8th grade at Franklin Avenue Middle School and I work very hard in school. My favorite color is pink and I love reading The Hunger Games books. I love playing basketball, and I also love baking with my best friend even though it sometimes comes out burnt!
This upcoming summer will be my seventh summer at Tyler Hill, and when I’m not at camp I love counting down the days until camp starts! I love to do everything and try new things!
I have many favorite camp memories, but two that stick out in my mind were winning a STARFISH award for Appreciation, and winning color war for the first time this summer. Camp has changed me for the better because I have made friendships that will last forever, and the STARFISH program has taught me how to be a better person. I know that at camp I am with a loving family.
Meet Cooper:
I am currently in 6th grade at Franklin Avenue Middle School. My favorite color is orange and I love the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series. I love sports and especially playing baseball for the War Eagles travel team. I like to be called “Coop”, and at games people call me “Cooooooooooop”!
This summer will be my fifth at Tyler Hill Camp. At camp, I love playing basketball, baseball, and gaga. My favorite camp memory is winning Color War for the first time last summer! I’m proud of the fact that I’ve won STARFISH two times, Helpfulness and Sensitivity, and I really want to win another award next summer.
I have made so many new friends at camp with people I would have never known before. I think the people at camp are amazing and they make me want to be amazing too.
Meet Charlie:
I am currently in 3rd grade at High Mountain Road Elementary School, and I am the youngest of four kids! I play soccer on a travel team called the Wildcats, and I play tennis too. I love to have playdates with friends, watch Spongebob and Full House and make Rainbow Looms. My favorite book series is Puppy Place, and my favorite movie is Pitch Perfect.
I have been visiting Tyler Hill since I was a baby when my sister Sophie first started, so I’ve basically been there every single summer since I was born! I’ve only been at camp for one summer, and I love EVERYTHING about it! My favorite time was Color War! My team won, and I was on my favorite color’s team – blue! I tried a lot of new things at camp that I would have never had a chance to do, my favorites were waterskiing and the swing!
1 comment
I can’t wait to meet theses kids! They sound amazing and just this little testimony of Tyler hill has made me even more excited about starting camp this summer, meeting new people, and trying new things!