Summer Lovin’, Had Me A Blast!
Having had some time off during my teaching degree back in 1982, a friend and I decided to leave England behind and spend that free time at a summer camp in America US. What summer camp would that be? You guessed it! My friend and I both ended up at Tyler Hill – How very lucky we were!
I worked in the girl’s Arts and Crafts area led by a guy named Chester, and my friend Lynne was a counselor looking after the younger girl campers. I also met a fella named John who worked in the boy’s Arts and Crafts area.
The summer of 1982 went by quickly and we all had an amazing time meeting new people and finding out about what we thought was a remote part of Pennsylvania, USA. Going into town on a night off seemed like traveling miles away compared to what I was used to back home in England! We had nothing like Tyler Hill or any kind of summer experience for kids in England at that time, so I found it surprising that children spent the whole summer away from their families. However, it was very clear that everyone had a great time and the facilities, activities and programs that were (and still are) offered at Tyler Hill were always first class.
I look back at my Tyler Hill summer fondly as it has had a significant impact on my life. You see, that was the summer I met my husband of 29 years! Yes, you guessed it – I married John who worked in the boy’s Arts & Crafts section that very first summer! We met in the summer 1982 at Tyler Hill and we have been together ever since. We were married in 1984 and I often wonder how many other romances started at Tyler Hill and remain to this day? Both John and I have such fond memories of our time at Tyler Hill and often think about the people we worked with and where they are now. We’d love to hear from any old friends in the comments below!
“Long may Tyler Hill go – from strength to strength…”
~ Bonita Spalding (THC 1982)