Art From the Heart

Hi! My name is Hannah and I am going to be a Junior this year at THC. It’s going to be my third year at camp. I’ve had the most amazing summers at Tyler Hill, so when I met someone who worked at Sunrise Day Camp, a day camp for children who have cancer, I knew I needed to do something to help those kids experience the type of awesome summers that I’ve been having year after year at Tyler Hill.

I decided to raise money for this specialty camp by selling artwork that I made. Unfortunately, I only had a few paintings to sell. So I started something called “Art From The Heart” where I collect artwork from anyone who’s willing to donate, whether it’s a “Picasso” or a little kid’s finger painting. We then sell the paintings at an art show (This year’s art show will be on May 6, 2012 at Pulitzer and Panetta Creative Studio51 Gibson Avenue, in Huntington, NY), and all the proceeds go straight to this camp.

At Tyler Hill, we’re taught about the STARFISH values program.  This is something that I’ve taken seriously.  I really love camp soooooo much, and believe that every kid deserves the “campy” experience, even kids less fortunate than us.  Think about donating or buying a painting.  By doing so, you are helping children with cancer experience a great summer like the ones I have at Tyler Hill, which they otherwise may not have been able to afford.

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