Keeping Our Campers Active – Let’s Move!

First Lady Michelle Obama has been very busy lately, making the rounds to television shows like Late Night with Jimmy Fallon and The Ellen Show and showing up at the CIAA Basketball Tournament to promote her healthy living campaign, “Let’s Move!”

We certainly admire her dedication and it also reinforces what we do here at TLC.  Teaching children how to make smart choices, practice healthy behaviors, and how to live active lifestyles are important parts of the camp experience.  By giving our campers the opportunities to make their own choices in an environment that encourages active, healthy living, we’re actively promoting those values that Ms. Obama is championing.  We offer a variety of choices when it come to being active – campers have the opportunity to participate in all kinds of sports (baseball, softball, basketball, tennis, roller hockey), waterfront activities (swimming, sailing, canoeing, kayaking, surfbiking) and electives (wall climbing, hiking, mountain biking, gymnastics, karate, Zumba) throughout each day at camp.

Ms. Obama explains, “Thirty years ago, most people led lives that kept them at a healthy weight. Kids walked to and from school every day, ran around at recess, participated in gym class, and played for hours after school before dinner. Meals were home-cooked with reasonable portion sizes and there was always a vegetable on the plate. Eating fast food was rare and snacking between meals was an occasional treat.  Today, children experience a very different lifestyle. Walks to and from school have been replaced by car and bus rides. Gym class and after-school sports have been cut; afternoons are now spent with TV, video games, and the internet. Parents are busier than ever and families eat fewer home-cooked meals.”

We’re happy that Ms. Obama is placing so much focus on topics that are very important to us here at camp, and so close to what we do each day of every summer. Check out the videos below to see her face-off with Jimmy Fallon in a Fitness Challenge (including a potato sack race & tug-o-war!) and challenge Ellen DeGeneres to a push-up contest.  Then, watch Beyonce’s music video for the campaign, “Move Your Body” and learn the choreography!

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