Heading South for our Florida Reunion!
The Tyler Hill crew headed south last weekend to spend some time with our Floridian camp friends! The sun was out (mostly!), there was lots of hugs and laughter, along with a beautiful backdrop thanks to our gracious hosts. What a fantastic time we had in Boca Raton, FL at the home of one of Tyler Hill’s camp families, Darin and Debbie Engelhardt along with their three daughters, Ryan (Super 2012), Julia (Sophomore 2012) and Jayden (future THC all-star).
It was cloudy/sunny, but the smiles on everyone’s faces brightened-up everyone’s day. Campers swam, played tug of war, and we had a THC bucket brigade and ate. It was amazing and the Engelhardts were gracious beyond belief. Not only did we have a wonderful turnout from our campers, but we also had some of our spectacular staff join Andy, Wendy & Bette as well, including Jenn Berghorn, Nicole Miller, Marni Zuckerman, Bette & Joel Slamowitz, Brett Stolberg, Alyssa Paris, and Dr. Scott Lazar.
115 days and counting!!! (Click the link below to see more pictures!)