Spotlight on Staff: Meech
Hello Tyler Hill readers! My name is Demetrius Eaton, but everyone at camp knows me as “Meech!” I’m 27 years old and during the Winter months I live in Europe.
I found my way to Tyler Hill through a mutual friend who was also working at camp. She had been with Tyler Hill for 2 years and knew I’d fit right in! I was a general counselor and my basic responsibilities were to be with my campers, make sure they arrived to their activities, encourage and foster friendships with one another, and act as an all-around role model.
When I’m not in Camp I am most likely in Europe playing American Football. This past summer prior to arriving at camp, I earned my second Gold medal for Team USA after winning the IFAF World Cup 2011!
Some of my personal hobbies include composing music. I compose all types of music – everything from short basic jingles to full-on songs. I love drawing, working out, singing and rapping, and traveling! I guess you could say I’m an all around creative type of guy!
What strikes a chord in me about Tyler Hill is the atmosphere and culture. From morning reveille to color war and everything else in between, this place is family. I loved just being around the kids…. It made ME feel like a kid again and I loved that feeling of being a role model for them.
The entire Tyler Hill community is like one big family. This past summer was fantastic and I am grateful to have met the best group of kids across the nation. Until next time… (singing) “Tyler Hill, is people, meeting people, meeting people. If you feel it in your spirit, set it free!”