Siblings at Camp: Jordyn & Abby

Jordyn (14 yrs.) and Abby (11 yrs.)  live in Franklin Lakes, NJ with their parents, Stacey and Adam and their dog Sammy (a Cavachon).  Jordyn and Abby’s mother went to THC’s sister camp, Timber Lake Camp as a child.  So she was very familiar with the TLC Family of Camps and their philosophy on what a summer should be like for a camper.  She arranged a tour with Wendy, who she described as “warm, caring, friendly, honest” and “someone who I felt was a mother who just really loved camp, period.” (We think so too!)  In the end Jordyn would make the final decision, and after visiting THC, Jordyn, without hesitation, said that she wanted to go to Tyler Hill.  At that moment, they signed up and never looked back.

Favorite Color: Hot Pink
Favorite Musician: Taylor Swift
Favorite Activities: spending time with her friends, going shopping, and going to the movies
Favorite Sport/Athletic Activities: Girls Field Hockey, tennis, dancing, Zumba, spin class, zip-lining and parasailing
Favorite THC Event: Girls’ Sing

Jordyn is about to enter her 7th summer at THC. It’s shocking that the same girl that was hesitant to get on the camp bus 7 years ago now starts packing months before camp begins. She is never happier then she is at camp and is fortunate to have had Amy Davidowitz as her counselor for nearly all of her summers – Amy has had a huge impact on who Jordyn is. She has made some of the most amazing friends at camp whom she considers her sisters. She can tell them anything. They tolerate her mess and all her “stuff.”  During the school year, you will often see Jordyn on her phone, texting up a strom. When asked “Who do you keep texting?” she will almost always reply “It’s my bunk chat.” Her camp friends really are her forever friends.

Jordyn’s favorite part of the camp day is when she gets to take part in exercise class electives like Zumba and Spin.  She is also acquiring a taste for tennis. To date, the highlight of her past 7 years was sweeping Girls’ Sing this past summer as Super Star Wars.  Girls Sing is also Jordyn’s favorite event of the summer.

Jordyn is looking forward to being in the Teen division this summer. There is no doubt that Jordyn will remain at camp throughout her counselor years.

Favorite Color: Aqua/Turquoise
Favorite Musician: Justin Bieber
Favorite Activities: Games such as Jacks & card games like  Uno and Spit, singing, acting (Most recently she was cast as Dorothy in her school’s production of The Wizard of Oz!), drawing and writing
Favorite Sport/Athletic Activities: dancing, lacrosse, basketball
Favorite Book: “You Are So Not Invited to My Bat Mitzvah”
Favorite THC Event: Girls’ Sing

This summer will be Abby’s 4th summer at THC. She has been very fortunate to be in the same bunk of girls since she began in Bunk 1. As chance would have it, Abby’s closest friends at camp are the younger sisters of Jordyn’s closest friends in her bunk. Abby is the true definition of a camper. She got on the bus 4 years ago with a smile on her face and never once looked back. There is no activity or sport that Abby won’t try, but her favorite time is spending time with her friends in the bunk. She is a great, loyal friend and cherishes the friends she has made at camp. Abby enjoys the electives at camp most. She also likes playing Lacrosse and Rollerblading.

Moving into the Sophomore division this year gives her more exposure to different activities at camp and she is really excited about that. Her favorite event at camp is Girls Sing or anything that she can dress in costume and cheer. Not a day goes by at home when you don’t hear a camp friend’s voice coming from Abby’s room as she sits on video chat for hours at a time. They are definitely her best friends.

Without question, most people know Abby and Jordyn for the extreme amount of “stuff” they bring to camp each year. From Jordyn attempting to smuggle up a Keurig coffee maker to Abby needing a 3rd set of drawers for her things – their stuff continues to be quite the conversation by many!!!  🙂  Here’s hoping they stick to the Packing List this year!

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